[1] [2] When the spring of the yeare began to approach, prince Edward eftsoones tooke the sea, Anno Reg. 55. 1271 and finallie ar|riued at Acres with a thousand chosen men of warre, though there be writers that affirme, how there arri|ued with him of sundrie countries fiue thousand hors|men, and double the same number of footmen. But amongst those that went out of England with him, these we find as principall, Iohn de Britaine, Iohn de Uescie, Ot [...]s de Grantson, and Robert de Bruse, besides other. Of his noble chiualrie there atchiued, yée shall find a bréefe note in the description of the ho|lie land, and therefore here we omit the same. How|beit this is to be remembred,Prince Ed|ward arriueth at Acres. Abington. that whilest the lord Ed|ward soiorned there in the citie of Acres, he was in great danger to haue béene slaine by treason: for a traitorous Saracen of that generation which are called Arsacidae,Arsacide, of some named Assassini. and latelie reteined by the same lord Edward, and become verie familiar with him, found means one day as he sat in his chamber, to giue him three wounds, which suerlie had cost him his life, but that one of the princes chamberleins staied the trai|tors hand,Prince Edw. to traitorous|lie wounded. and somewhat brake the strokes, till other seruants came to the rescue, and slue him there in the place.