[1] [2] [3] [4] In those daies a new custome or toll was vsed to be paid, which prince Edward let to farme vnto cer|teine strangers, for the summe of twentie marks by yeare. Wherefore the citizens being gréeued there|with, bought it of him for two hundred marks. Also this yeare there was granted to the king towards his iournie by him purposed into the holie land, the twentith penie of euerie mans mooueable goods tho|roughout the realme of the laie fee,An aid gr [...]|ted to the king and of the spiritu|altie was granted by the assent of pope Gregorie the tenth, thrée dismes to be gathered within the terme of thrée yeares.The liberties of the citie confirmed. This yeare the kings sonne the lord Edward obteined a confirmation for the citie of London of the charter of the ancient liberties, so that the citizens did then choose vnto them a maior and two shiriffes, which shiriffes by vertue of the same charter, had their office to farme, in maner as before time was accustomed:The rent of the farme of the shiriffes of London increased. sauing that where they paid afore but thrée hundred and fiftie pounds, they paid now foure hundred and fiftie pounds. After which confirmation granted and passed vnder the kings broad seale, they chose for their maior Iohn Adrian, and for shiriffes Walter Potter and Iohn Tailor, the which were presented the 16 day of Iulie vnto the king at Westminster by his sonne prince Edward, and there admitted and sworne. Then was sir Hugh Fitz Othon discharged of the rule of the citie. The ci|tizens of their owne fréewill gaue vnto the king an hundred marks, and to his sonne prince Edward fiue hundred markes. Chron. Dun [...]. There was no great disorder at|tempted this yeare to the disquieting of the realme, sauing that certeine of the disherited gentlemen that belonged to the earle of Darbie, withdrew vn|to the forrest of the Peake in Darbishire, and there making their abode, spoiled and wasted the countries next adioining.