[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] About S. Georges day there was a parlement holden at London, Abington. A parlement holden at London. for the appeasing of a controuer|sie depending betwixt prince Edward the kings son and the earle of Glocester: at the which parlement were present almost all the prelats and péeres of the realme. At length they put the matter in compro|mise, into the hands of the king of Almaine, vnder|taking to be ordred by him high and low touching all controuersies: and likewise for the iournie to be made into the holie land, but the king of Almaine did little in the matter to any great effect. ¶ In the beginning of Lent the king gaue to his sonne prince Edward the rule of the citie of London, with all the reuenues and profits thereto belonging. After which gift, the said prince made sir Hugh Fitz Othon con|stable of the towre and custos of the citie of London. ¶ Upon the ninth day of Aprill, Edmund the kings sonne, surnamed Crouchbacke, married at West|minster Auelina the daughter of the earle of Au|marle. Prince Edward commanded the citizens of London to present vnto him six citizens,Prince Ed|ward appoi [...]|teth the ma [...] and shiriffes of London. of the which number he might nominate two shiriffes, and so ap|pointed William de Hadstocke and Anketill de Al|berne, which were sworne to be accomptants as their predecessours had beene.