[1] [2] Prince Edward the kings sonne, and diuerse o|ther great lords of England before this legats depar|ture out of the realme,Prince Ed|ward recei|ueth the crosse. receiued the crosse at his hands in Northampton on Midsummer day, mea|ning shortlie after according to promise there made, to go into the holie land to warre against Gods e|nimies. Fabian. A fraie in Lõ|don betwéene the gold|smiths and tailors. In this yeare fell great variance betwéene the corporations or fellowships of the goldsmiths and tailors within the citie of London, wherevnto e|uill words flowing from the toong gaue originall, for

Pondus valde graue verbosum vas sine claue,
so that one euening there were assembled to the number of fiue hundred in the stréets in armour, and running togither made a fowle fraie, so that manie were wounded and some slaine. But the shiriffes hearing thereof, came & parted them, with assistance of other trades, and sent diuerse of them being taken vnto prison, of the which there were arreigned to the number of thirtie, and thirtéene of them condemned and hanged.