[1] In the octaues of S.
Martine, the king held a par|lement at Marleborough,A
parlement at Marle|borough. where the liberties contei|ned in the
booke called Magna charta were cõfirmed, and also diuerse other
good and wholesome ordinances concerning the state of the common-wealth were
established and enacted. ¶ In the moneth of Aprill there chanced great
thunder, tempestuous raine, and flouds, occasioned by the same, verie sore
& horrible, continuing for the space of fifteene daies
togither. The legat Othobone, after he had in the synods hol|den at Northampton
and London, deuised and made manie orders and rules for churchmen, and
leuied a|mongst them great summes of monie,
The legat Othobone returneth to Rome. Othobone chosen pope.