[1] In the octaues of S. Martine, the king held a par|lement at Marleborough,A parlement at Marle|borough. where the liberties contei|ned in the booke called Magna charta were cõfirmed, and also diuerse other good and wholesome ordinances concerning the state of the common-wealth were established and enacted. ¶ In the moneth of Aprill there chanced great thunder, tempestuous raine, and flouds, occasioned by the same, verie sore & horrible, continuing for the space of fifteene daies togither. The legat Othobone, after he had in the synods hol|den at Northampton and London, deuised and made manie orders and rules for churchmen, and leuied a|mongst them great summes of monie,

The legat Othobone returneth to Rome.

Othobone chosen pope.

finallie in the moneth of Iulie, he tooke leaue of the king and re|turned to Rome, where after the deceasse of Inno|cent the fift, about the yeare of our Lord 1276 he was chosen pope, and named Adrian the fift, liuing not past 50 daies after. He went so néere hand to search out things at his going awaie, Abington. that he had inrolled the true value of all the churches and benefices in England, and tooke the note with him to Rome.