[1] This chanced about three weekes after Easter. Matth. Westm. The souldiers which laie in London and in South|warke, did much hurt about in the countrie of Sou|therie, & else-where. They also spoiled the towne of Westminster, and the parish-church there: but the moonks and the goods belonging to the abbeie they touched not,Westminster spoiled. but made hauocke in the kings pa|lace, drinking vp & destroieng his wine, breaking the glasse windowes, and defacing the buildings most disorderlie, yea scarse forbearing to set the house on fire. Also there were of them that brake vp & robbed certeine houses in London, of the which misgouerned persons there were foure taken, that ware the cogni|sance of the earle of Darbie,Soldiers sac|ked and thro|wen into the Thames. whome the earle of Glocester caused to be put in sackes, and so throwne into the Thames.