[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The earle of Glocester greatlie incouraged by their assistance, fell in hand to assaile the tower, with|in the which the popes legat Othobone, and diuerse other were inclosed, taking vpon them to defend it against the earle and all his puissance. The king vp|on the first newes of the earle of Glocester his com|motion,The king ma|keth hard shift for monie to hire soldiers & men of war to assist him. ingaged the shrines of saints, and other iewels and relikes of the church of Westminster vn|to certeine merchants for great summes of monie, with the which sending into France and Scotland, he reteined men of warre to come to his aid. Here|vpon his sonne prince Edward came to his succour vnto Cambridge, bringing thither with him thirtie thousand able men out of the north parts, Scots and other.The K. remoo|ueth towards Windsore. The king then leauing a conuenient number to defend Cambridge, marched from thence toward Windsore. After his comming thither, his armie dailie increased. The earle of Glocester and his complices, began to feare the matter, and sent to him for peace which could not be granted: wherevpon they appointed to giue him batell vpon Houndslow heath. The king comming thither in the morning, found no man there to resist him, and therefore, after he had staied there a certeine space,The king commeth to Stratford. Fabian. he marched foorth and came to Stratford, where he was lodged in the ab|beie: his hoast incamped and laie at Ham and ther|abouts.