[1] [2] There entred also into the tower a great number of Iewes with their wiues and children,The legat & other meane to defend the to|wer against the earle of Glocester. vnto whome one ward of the tower was committed to defend, which they did in that necessitie verie stoutlie. Manie of the citizens fearing a new insurrection, auoided out of the citie, whose goods the earle seized into his owne vse, or suffered his men to spoile the same at their pleasures. The most part of all the commons of the citie tooke part wich the earle,The citizens of London in vprore chose new officers. and in a tumult got them to the Guildhall, and there chose for their maior or custos of the citie, Richard de Colworth knight, and for bailiffes, Robert de Linton and Ro|ger Marshall, discharging the old maior and shiriffes of their roomes. Diuerse aldermen were committed to prison, and their goods sequestred, and much part thereof spoiled. Also all such persons as were priso|ners in Newgate, Ludgate, Creplegate, or in any other prison about the citie,Prisoners set at libertie. for the quarrell of the ba|rons warre, were set at libertie.