[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ¶ Here is to be remembred, that at the beginning of the siege, there were within the castell a thousand and seuen hundred armed men, and eight score wo|men, beside lackies and coisterels. Here is also to be remembred, that whilest the siege laie before Killing|worth, by the aduise of the kings councell, and of the legat Othobone, there were twelue péeres appointed and chosen foorth, which should deuise and make ordi|nances touching the state of the realme, and the dis|herited persons, who according to their commissi|on, ordeined certeine prouisions, the which are con|teined within the statute intituled Dictum de Kil|lingworth. Dictum de Killingworth. Abington. Matth. Westm. The king after that the castell of Killing|worth was deliuered to his hand, left therein his sonne Edmund, and went himselfe to Couentrie or (as other haue) to Oxford, and there held his Christ|masse. Shortlie after comming to Westminster he held a parlement there,A parlement at Westmin|ster. studieng to set a quietnesse in all matters and controuersies depending betwixt him and the barons. In this parlement sentence was giuen against earle Ferrers for the forfeiture of his earledome:Earle Fer|rers disheri|ted. then was Edmund the kings yoonger sonne put in possession both of the earledome of Dar|bie and Leicester.