[1] Matth. westm. The Ile of Oxholme.In this meane while diuerse of the disherited gentlemen, sore repining at the sentence and order giuen against them, had taken the Ile of Oxholme in Lincolneshire, whither a great number of euill doo|ers immediatlie resorted, and began to doo mischéefe in all the countries next adioining. They tooke and sacked the citie of Lincolne, Abington. Lincolne taken. N. Triuet. spoiled the Iewes, and slue manie of them, entred their synagog, and burnt the booke of their law. At length prince Edward, or (as other saie) his brother earle Edmund, was sent against them, who compelled them by force to come to the kings peace, which to obserue, they receiued an oth shortlie after at London, but neuerthelesse were as soone readie to breake and renounce the same, and began a new broile in sundrie parts of the realme. Diuerse of them fortified the castell of Killingworth,Killingworth castell forti|fied against the king. prouiding themselues of all things necessarie for de|fense out of the countries adioining. The king ad|uertised hereof, sent vnto them a purseuant, com|manding them to cease frõ such rebellious attempts, but the messenger had one of his hands cut off,The kings purseuant had his hand cut off. and so with a contemptuous answer was sent back againe.