[1] Whilest the king laie at Northampton,Simon de Montfort. the lord Simon de Montfort put himselfe vpon the doome and order of the legat Othobone, and was therefore permitted to be at large in the kings court: but at the kings comming to London, he suddenlie depar|ted out of the court, and rode to Winchelsie, where he associated himselfe with rouers, and after some prices taken, departed from them, and went into France, Matth. West. Polydor. where he offered his seruice to the French king, and was receiued. Thus saith Matthew West|minster, and other. But Polydor saith, that by Otho|bons means, he was reconciled to the kings fauour; and therevpon to auoid occasion of further displea|sure, he commanded, that the castell of Killingworth should be restored vnto the king, which the capteine refused to deliuer, hauing fortified it with all man|ner of prouision, and things necessarie to defend a siege.