[1] [2] Upon S. Nicholas euen, the king departed from Westminster, towards Northampton, where the cardinall Othobone held a synod, and according to that he had in commandement, pronounced all the kings aduersaries accurssed, and namelie all the bi|shops which had aided the barons against the king, in time of the late warres, of whome afterward he absolued the most part. Matt. VVest. This suspen|sion was pro|nounced in a councell hol|den by the said cardinall at Paules as Fabian saith. Matth. West. But Iohn bishop of Winche|ster, Henrie bishop of London, and Stephan bishop of Chichester were sent to Rome, to purchase their absolution of pope Clement the fourth, as well for o|ther points of disobedience, as chéeflie for that, where the quéene had procured a cursse of pope Urbane the fourth, that was predecessor to this Clement, to ac|cursse all the barons and their supporters, which war|red against the king hir husband: the said bishops (to whome the commission was sent to denounce that cursse) for feare of the barons deferred the execution. Walter bishop of Worcester; chancing to fall sicke at that time, died about the beginning of Februarie, confessing first, that he had greeuouslie erred, in mainteining the side of the erle of Leicester against the king, and therefore directed his letters to the popes legat, requiring to be absolued, which his peti|tion the legat granted. Moreouer, N. Triuet. in this councell at Northampton, there was published by the cardinall a grant, made to the king by the pope, of the dismes of the english church for one whole yeare then next insuing.