[2] After this,A parlement at Westmin|ster. in the feast of the
translation of S. Ed|ward, a parlement was holden at Westminster, and the
sentence of disheriting the kings aduersaries was pronounced against them,
whose lands the king forthwith gaue vnto his trustie subiects, where he
thought good. Some of the disherited men redée|med [page 271] their
possessions, with a portion of monie, in name of a fine. Other of them
flocking togither, got them into the woods and desert places, where kéeping
them out of sight as outlawes, they liued by spoiles and robberies. The
cheefest of them was Robert erle of Ferrers, who neuerthelesse was restored
to his lands,Erle Ferrers but yet with condition,
that if afterwards he fell into the like crime, he should forfeit his
earldome for euer.
Fabian. Anno Reg. 50. The citie of London sub|mitteth hir|selfe
to the K. The Londoners with much adoo, at length, obteined pardon
of the king. The maior and alder|men of the
citie were glad to submit themselues, though the commons, without
consideration of the great perill which they were in, would haue stood still
at defiance with the king, and defended the citie against him. It was no
maruell though they were of diuerse and contrarie opinions, for in those
daies, the citie was inhabited with manie and sundrie nations which then
were admitted for citizens. At length, vp|on their submission, the king
tooke them to mercie, vpon their fine,
The Londo|ners put to their fine. Cardinall O|thobone the popes legat. Fabian.