[1] The people conceiued an opinion, that this earle being thus slaine, Polydor. fighting in defense of the liberties of the realme, & performance of his oth, as they tooke it, died a martyr: which by the bruted holinesse of his passed life and miracles ascribed to him after his death, was greatlie confirmed in the next age. But the feare of the kings displeasure staied the people from hastie honouring him as a saint at this time, where otherwise, they were inclined greatlie thereto, reputing him for no lesse in their conscience, as in se|cret talke they would not sticke to vtter. There were wounded & taken, Matth. West. besides the other that were slaine at that battell of Euesham, Guie de Montfort, the earle of Leicesters sonne, the lords Iohn Fitz Iohn, Henrie de Hastings, Humfrie de Bohun the yoon|ger, Iohn de Uescie, Peter de Montfort the yoon|ger, and Nicholas de Segraue with others. The king being deliuered out of his aduersaries hands, and likewise the king of Romans, went vnto War|wike, and there increasing his power, determined to pursue his enimies.