[1] [2] This ruine fell to the baron [...] by the discord which was sproong latelie before,The pri [...]e of the earle of Leicesters sons brin|geth the ba|rons to con|fusion. betwixt the earles of Lei|cester and Glocester, through the insolencie and pride of the earle of Leicesters sonnes, who (as I said be|fore) despising other of the nobilitie, and forgetting in the meane time the nature of true and vnstained no|blenesse, wherof it is said and trulie remembred, that

Nobilitas morum plus [...] [...]genitorum,
spake manie reprochfull words by the said earle of Glocester, and vsed him in such euill sort, that he vp|on displeasur [...] thereof, had not onelie procured the scape of prince Edward, but ioined with him in aid, against the said earle of Leicester, and other of the ba|rons, to the vtter confusion, [...]th of them and of their cause. The bodie of the same earle was shamefullie abused & cut in peeces, his head and his priuie mem|bers were cut off, and fastened on either side of his nose, and presented vnto the wife of the lord Roger Mortimer.