[1] On the last day of Iulie, prince Edward with his host came to Killingwoorth aforesaid, and there figh|ting with the said Simon de Montfort and his ar|mie, with little slaughter discomfited the same, and tooke prisoners the erle of Oxford,The armie of the earle of Leicesters sonne is dis|comfited. the lords William de Montchensie, Adam de Newmarch, Baldwine Wake, and Hugh Neuill, with diuerse others: the lord Simon himselfe fled into the castell, and so esca|ped. In this meane while the earle of Leicester ha|uing raised his power, N. Triuet. came to the castell of Mon|mouth,The castell of Monmouth taken. which the earle of Glocester had latelie taken and fortified: but they that were within it being dri|uen to yƩeld, it was now raced downe to the ground. This doone, the earle of Leicester entring into Gla|morganshire, and ioining his power with the prince of Wales, wasted and burned the lands of the said earle of Glocester: but hearing what his aduersaries went about in other places, he returned from thence, and came forward towards the said prince Edward, who likewise made towards him, and at Euesham they met on the sixt day of August,The battell of Euesham. where was fought a verie fierce and cruell battell betwixt the parties.