[1] But although the bishops of London, Winche|ster, and Worcester instantlie required the said legat, that he would helpe to further the same peace, yet he fore rebuked them, in that they would giue their con|sent, so much to abase and bring vnder the kings roi|all power. And bicause he might not be suffered to [page 269] enter the realme, he first cited them to appeare before him at Bullongne. And whereas they séemed to con|temne his authoritie, and appeared not, he both sus|pended the said three bishops, and excommunicated the said earles of Leicester and Glocester, and their complices, with the citie of London, and the cinque ports: but the foresaid bishops, earles and barons, feigning to make their appeales to the popes consi|storie, or if néed were, vnto a generall councell and so foorth, though indeed trusting more to the temporall sword, than fearing the spirituall, they did not for|beare to saie and heare diuine seruice in churches and else-where, as before they had doone, till the comming of the cardinall Othobone.