[1] ¶ Other write otherwise of this battell at Lewes, Polydor. affirming, that not onelie the king of Romans, but also king Henrie himselfe, hauing his owne horsse thrust through on both sides, was taken, and likewise his sonne prince Edward with other on their side, to the number of fiue and twentie barons and banne|rets: and that moreouer, there died on the kings side that day in the battell and chase, six thousand and fiue hundred men, as Polydor noteth: howbeit, Richard Southwell saith, there died on both parts onlie 3400. But Matth. Westminster writeth, that as the report went, there died fiue thousand on both sides, and a|mongst other, these he nameth as chéefe, William de Wilton one of the kings iustices, & the lord Fouke Fitz Waren a baron that tooke the kings part. On the barons side, Matth. West [...] Lords ta [...] on the kings side. the lord Rafe Heringander a baron also, and William Blunt the earles standardbearer. Of them that were taken on the kings side, beside such as before are recited, we find these named, Hum|frie de Bohun earle of Hereford, William lord Bar|dolfe, Robert lord of Tatshale, Roger lord Some|rie, Henrie lord Percie, Iohn de Balioll, Robert de Bruis, and Iohn Comin, with other barons of Scot|land, hauing lost all their footmen whom they had brought with them to the kings aid.