[1] In the meane time the barons gaue assault to the castell, but they within valiantlie defended them|selues, with whose hardie dooings prince Edward in|couraged, gathered his people togither againe, and meant e [...]tsoones to giue battell; but the subtill head of the earle of Leicester beguiled them all, for he caused certeine friers to take in hand to be intreators be|twixt them,Fri [...]rs subor|ned to treat a peace. which comming to the king and to the prince his sonne, declared that the barons, to auoid that more christian bloud should not be spilt, would be contented to haue the matter put in compromise of indifferent persons; but if it were so, that the king and his sonne would néeds stand to the vttermost tri|all of battell, they would not faile but strike off the heads of the king of Almaine and other prisoners, which they would set vpon the ends of their speares in stéed of standards.