[1] The barons diuided their host into foure battels, the first was vnder the gouernment of the lord Hen|rie de Montfort and others. The second was led by the lord Gilbert de Clare, the lord Iohn Fitz Iohn, and the lord William de Mountchensie. The third, in which the Londoners were placed, the lord Nicho|las de Segraue ruled. The fourth was led by Si|mon Montfort earle of Leicester himselfe, and one Thomas de Peuelston. Thus being ordered, on the fourtéenth of Maie being Wednesdaie, they ioined in fight, and at the first incounter,The battels ioine. the L. Hen|rie [page 268] de Hastings, Chron. Dunst. the lord Geffrey de Lucie, & Hum|frey de Bohun the yoonger were wounded, and the Londoners forthwith were beaten backe:Prince Ed|ward pursu|eth the Lon|doners. for prince Edward so fiercelie assailed them, that they were not able to abide the brunt. He hated them indeed aboue all other, namelie for that of late they had mis|vsed his mother, reuiling hir, and throwing durt and stones at hir, when she passed the bridge (as before ye haue heard) which wrong and abuse by them com|mitted was peraduenture on their parts forgotten, but of prince Edward (as it séemeth) remembred, for
Puluere qui laedit, sed laesus marmore scribit.