[1] [2] He sent his sonne prince Edward into Darbi|shire and Staffordshire with a strong power, where he wasted the manours and possessions of Robert de Ferrers earle of Darbie, and namelie he ouerthrew and defaced the castell of Tutburie. Wheresoeuer the kings armie, or that which his sonne prince Edward led, chanced to come, there followed spoiling, burning and killing. The barons on the other side sate not still, for the lord Iohn Gifford, with others that were ap|pointed by the earle of Leicester to kéepe Killing|worth castell (which was furnished with all things necessarie, maruellouslie, and with such strange kind of engines as had not béene lightlie heard of nor seene in these parts) tooke by a policie the castell of Warwike, and William Manduit earle of War|wike,The castell of Warwike taken. with his wife and familie within it; and lea|ding them to Killingworth, there cõmitted them to prison. The cause was, for that they suspected him that he would take part with the king against them. The castell of Warwike they raced downe, least the kings people should take it for their refuge.The castell of Warwike raced. The Iewes are killed. In the Passion weeke the Iewes that inhabited in Lon|don being detected of treason, which they had deuised against the barons and citizens, were slaine almost all the whole number of them, and great riches found in their houses, which were taken and caried awaie by those that ransacked the same houses.