[1] The king hearing of this riot [...]us act, and being informed that Peter de Mountfort was at Nor|thampton, assembling people to strengthen the ba|rons part, he got togither such men of warre as he could from all places, and so he had with him his bro|ther Richard king of Almaine, his eldest sonne the lord Edward,The lords that follow [...] the king. William de Ualence his halfe bro|ther on the mothers side, & Iohn Comin of Ward in Scotland with a great number of Scots, Iohn Bal|lioll lord of Gallowaie, Robert Bruis lord of An|nandale, Roger Clifford, Philip Marmion, Iohn Uaux, Iohn Leiborne, Henrie Percie, Philip Bas|set, and Roger Mortimer.