[1] The castell of Brecknoc was also deliuered into his hands, which he béetooke to the kéeping of the lord Roger de Mortimer, with all the territorie thereto belonging. Robert earle of Darbie that tooke part with the barons, besieged the citie of Worcester, and tooke it by the old castell,Worcester taken. sacked the citizens goods, and constreined the Iewes to be baptised. The citie of Glocester also was taken by the barons: but prince Edward following them and reparing the bridge o|uer Seuerne, which the barons had broken downe af|ter they were come ouer, he entred the castell of Glo|cester with his people. The next day by procurement of Walter bishop of Worcester, a truce was taken betwixt prince Edward and the barons that had ta|ken the towne, during the which truce the barons left the towne, and the burgesses submitted themselues vnto prince Edward: and so he hauing the castell and towne in his hands, Matth. We [...]. The citie of Glocester [...] couered, and put to fin [...]. imprisoned manie of the burgesses, & fined the towne at the summe of a thou|sand pounds. Then he drew towards his father li|eng at Oxford, or at Woodstoke, gathering people to|gither on ech hand.