[1] The king hauing ended his businesse with the French king, returned into England, and came to London the morrow after S. Ualentines day. And about seuen or eight daies after, the lord Edward his eldest sonne returned also, and hearing that the barons were gone to the marshes of Wales (where ioining with the Welshmen, they had begun to make warre against the kings freends, and namelie against his lieutenant Roger lord Mortimer, whome they had besieged in the castell of Wigmore) the lord Edward therevpon, with such power as he could get togither, marched thitherwards to raise their siege: but the lord Mortimer perceiuing himselfe in dan|ger, fled priuilie out of the castell, and got to Hereford, whither the prince was come. The barons inforced their strength in such wise that they wan the castell. Nic. Triue [...]. Castels got|ten by prince Edward. Prince Edward on the other side tooke the castels of Haie and Huntington that belonged vnto the earle of Hereford yoong Henrie de Boun.