[1] About the feast of the Natiuitie of our ladie, there was a parlement holden at London,A parlement. at the which all the nobles of the realme both spirituall and tempo|rall were present; and then the citie of London, Abing [...]on. and the cinque ports ioined in league as confederats with the barons: but the king plainlie protested be|fore all the assemblie,The kings protestation against the articles at Oxeniord. that by the statutes and proui|sions (as they termed them) made at Oxenford, he was much deceiued. For contrarie to that which the barons had promised, he felt himselfe rather charged with more debt than anie thing reléeued: and there|fore sith he had obteined of the pope an absolution of the oth both for himselfe and his people, his request was to be restored vnto his former estate of all such prerogatiues as in time past he had inioied. The ba|rons on the other side stiffelie mainteined, that they could not with safe conscientes go against their oth, and therefore they meant to stand in defense of the articles aforesaid euen so long as they had a daie to liue.