[1] All such the inhabitants as were strangers borne, and suspected to fauour either of the parties, were ba|nished the citie, but within a while after, prince Ed|ward set them or the most part of them in offices within the castell of Windsore. On the saturdaie next after the translation of saint Benet, as the quéene would haue passed by water from the tower vnto Windsore,The misde|meanor of lewd persons towards the quéene. a sort of lewd naughtipacks got them to the bridge, making a noise at hir, and crieng; Drowne the witch, threw downe stones, cudgels, dirt, and other things at hir, so that she escaped in great danger of hir person, fled to Lambeth, and through feate to be further pursued, landed there, and so she staied till the maior of London with much adoo appesing the furie of the people, repaired to the quéene and brought hir backe againe in safetie vnto the tow|er. And (as some write) bicause the king would not suffer hir to enter againe into the tower, Chron. Dunst. the maior conueied hir vnto the bishop of Londons house by Paules, and there lodged hir.