[1] Prince Edward not able to abide such dishonor, in the feast of the apostle Peter and Paule,Prince Ed|ward taketh monie out of ye treasurie of the temple. taking with him Robert Waleran, and certeine others, went to the new temple, and there easling for the kée|per of the treasure-house, as if he meant to see his mothers iewels, that were laid vp there, to be safelie kept, he entred into the house, and breaking the cof|fers of certeine persons that had likewise brought their monie thither, to haue it in more safetie, he tooke away from thence the value of 1000 pounds.
Mars. lib. 11. Hor. lib. car. 3. ode 24. —ô quantum cogit egestasMagnum pauperies opprobrium iubetQuiduis & facere & pati,Virtutisque viam deserit arduae.