[1] [2] [3] [4] Upon the euen of S. Thomas the apostle, Fabian. the king landed at Douer, and came to London the Wednes|daie before the twelfe day in Christmasse.Thames frosen. In this yeare the frost began about S. Nicholas daie, and continued for the space of a moneth and more, so ex|treamelie, that the Thames was frosen, so that men passed ouer on horssebacke. ¶ The same winter the kings little hall at Westminster, with manie other houses therevnto adioining, was consumed with fire, by negligence of one of the kings seruants.Uariance be|twixt the ci|tizens of Lõ|don and the constable of the towre. Ua|riance rose betwixt the citizens of London, and the constable of the towre, for that contrarie to the liber|ties of the citie he tooke certeine ships passing by the towre with wheat and other vittels into the towre, [page 264] making the price thereof himselfe. The matter was had before sir Philip Basset lord cheefe iustice and o|thers, who vpon the sight and hearing of all such eui|dences and priuiledges as could be brought foorth for the aduantage of both the parties, tooke order that the constable should (when he lacked prouision of graine or vittels) come into the market holden within the ci|tie, and there to haue wheat two pence in a quarter within the maiors price, and other vittels after the same rate.