[1] [2] In Iune the king of Almaine tooke shipping and sailed ouer into Dutchland,

The king of Almaine go|eth ouer into Germanie. Fabian.

The king ha|uing licence passeth ouer into France.

and king Henrie at a folkemote holden at Paules crosse the sundaie af|ter S. Peters day, had licence to saile into France, and the morrow after he departed from London to|wards the sea side, with the quéene and other lords, his two sonnes prince Edward and the earle of Lanca|ster being at that present in Guien. When he had béene a season in France, he went vnto Burdeaux, and there fell sicke of a feuer quartane,He falleth sick of a feuer quartane. by occasi|on whereof he taried in those parties till S. Nicholas tide next following. There were few that went ouer with him that escaped frée without the same disease, Chro. Dun. so that in maner all his companie were taken and fore handled therewith. Manie died thereof to the number of thréescore,Death of no|ble men. and amongst them as chéefe were these, Baldwine de Lisle earle of Deuonshire, Ingram de Percie, and William de Beauchampe.