[1] [2] After Christmasse the K. comming into the towre of London, fortified it greatlie, & caused the gates of the citie to be warded, Chro. Dun. sending forth commandement to his lords that they should come to the towre, there to hold a parlement; but they denied flatlie so to doo, sending him word that if it pleased him, they would come to Westminster, where vsuallie the parlement had béene kept; and not to any other place, whervpon there rose dissention betwixt him and the barons. After the feast of the Purification, Fabian. A folkemote holden at Pauls crosse. at a folkemote holden at Paules crosse (where the king was present in person, with the king of Almaine, the archbishop of Canturburie, and diuerse other of the Nobles) commandement was giuen to the maior, that euerie stripling of the age of 12 yeares and aboue, should before his alderman be sworne to be true to the king and his hetres kings of England,An oth to be true to the king. and that the gates of the citie should be kept with armed men, as before by the king of Romans was deuised.