[1] [2] [3] This yeare the lord William de Beauchampe the elder deceassed. ¶The lord Edward the kings sonne, Chr. Dunstab. with a faire companie of knights and other men of armes, passed the seas to exercise himselfe in iusts, but he himselfe and his men were euill intreated in manie places, so that they lost horsse, armour, and all other things to his great griefe and disliking (as may be estéemed) yet (as some write) he returned home with victorie in the iusts. Matth. West. This yeare at Teu|kesburie, a Iew falling by chance into a iakes vpon the saturdaie,A Iew at Teukesburie falleth into a iakes. in reuerence of his sabboth would not suffer any man to plucke him foorth, wherof the earle of Glocester being aduertise [...], thought the christians should doo as much reuerence to their sabboth which is sundaie, and therefore would suffer no man to go about to take him foorth that day, and so lieng still [page 263] till mondaie, he was there found dead.