[1] [2] Shortlie after, the king returned out of France, and about the feast of S. Marke came to London,The king re|turneth into England. and lodged in the bishops palace. And bicause of cer|teine rumors that were spred abroad sounding to some euill meaning, which prince Edward should haue against his father, the king brought ouer with him a great power of men in armes being stran|gers, howbeit he brought them not into the citie, but left them beyond the bridge in the parts of Surrie, notwithstanding being entred the citie, he so kept the gates and entries, that none was permitted to en|ter, but such as came in by his sufferance. The earle of Glocester by his appointment also was lodged within the citie, and the prince in the palace at West|minster. Shortlie after by the kings commandement he remooued to S. Iohns, & all the other lords were lodged without the citie, and the king of Almaine remooued againe to Westminster. In which time a direction was taken betweene the said parties, and a now assemblie and parlement assigned to be kept in the quindene of S. Iohn Baptist, and after defer|red or proroged till the feast of saint Edward, at the which time all things were paci [...]ed a while, but so as the earle of Glocester was put beside the roome which he had amongst other the peeres, and so then he ioined in fréendship with the earle of Leiscester,The earle of Glocester con|federateth [...] selfe with the earle of Lei|cester. as it were by way of confederacie against the resi|due, and yet in this last contention, the said earle of Leicester tooke part with the prince against the earle of Glocester.