[1] [2] Fabian. I folkemote.Upon the sixt day of Nouember the king came vnto Paules, where by his commandement was the folkemote court assembled, and the king (according to the former ordinances made) asked licence of the communaltie of the citie to passe the sea,The king as|keth licence to passe the seas. and promi|sed there in the presence of a great multitude of peo|ple, by the mouth of Hugh Bigod his chéefe iustice, to be good and grafious lord vnto the citie, and to mainteine the liberties thereof vnhurt. Herewith the people for ioy made a great shout. Matth. West. The king sai|leth ouer into France. The eight day of Nouember he rode through the citie towards the sea side, and vpon the thirtéenth daie of Nouember, he tooke the sea at Douer and arriued at Whitsand, and so from thence he rode vnto Paris, where, of the French king he was most honorablie receiued. The cause of his going ouer was chéefelie to conclude some assured peace with the French king, that he should not néed to doubt any forren enimies, if he should come to haue warre with his owne people, whereof he saw great likelihoods, and therefore he made such agreement with king Lewes (as in the French historie more at large appeareth) which (to be short) I here omit.He compoun|deth all diffe|rences with the French k.