[1] About the same time there was a certeine man|sion house by waie of deuotion giuen vnto the friers that are called preachers within the towne of Dun|stable,The friers preachers be|gin to inhabit at Dunstable. so that certeine of them thrusting themselues in there, began to inhabit in that place, to the great annoiance of the prior and conuent of Dunstable, & as it were by the example of the other order called minors (which in the last precéeding yeare, at saint Edmundsburie in Suffolke had practised the like matter against the willes of the abbat and conuent there) they began to build verie sumptuous houses, so that in the eies of the beholders such chargeable workes of building, so suddenlie aduanced by them that professed voluntarie pouertie, caused no small woonder. The said friers building them a church with all spéed, and setting vp an altar, immediatlie be|gan to celebrate diuine seruice, not once staieng for the purchase of anie licence. And so building from day to day, they obteined great aid of such as inhabi|ted neere vnto them, of whome the prior and conuent ought to haue receiued the reuenues that were now conuerted to be imploied on the said friers towards their maintenance. Thus by how much more their house increased,The moonks hindred by the the comming of the friers. by so much more did the prior and conuent decrease in substance and possessions: for the rents which they were accustomed to receiue of the messuages and houses giuen to the friers, were lost, and likewise the offerings (which were woont to come to their hands) now these friers being newlie entred by occasion of their preachings, vsurped to themselues.