[1] In the octaues of the said Purification, the parle|ment began at London,A parlement. to the which came the earle of Leicester from the parts of beyond the sea, where he had for a certeine time remained. There came also an ambassador from the French king, one that was deane of Burges, and so there was an earnest trea|tie had touching a peace to be concluded betwixt the two kings of England and France, which on the day of saint Ualentine was accorded and put in articles, with condition that the same should remaine firme and stable,A peace con|cluded vpon betwixt the kinges of Eng+land & France if the kings would assent to that which had beene talked of and agreed vpon by their speciall and solemne agents. For the further perfecting of this agreement and finall peace betwixt the kings of England and France about the begining of Aprill, the earls of Glocester and Leicester, Iohn Mansell, Peter de Sauoy, and Robert Ualerane were sent ouer into France, hauing also with them letters of credence, to conclude in all matters as had béene tal|ked of by their agents. But when the countesse of Leicester would not consent to quite claime and re|lease hir right in such parcels of Normandie as be|longed to hir,The countesse of Leicester. which king Henrie had couenanted with the residue to resigne vnto the French king. The earle of Glocester fell at words with the earle of Lei|cester,Contention betwixt the earles of Glo|cester and Leicester. about the stubborne demeanor which his wife shewed in that matter, and so by reason that either of them stood at defiance with the other (although by meane of freends they staied from further inconue|nience) they returned backe without concluding any thing in that whereabout they were sent.