[1] [2] The king of Almaine had assembled a great host of men on the further side the sea, meaning with all expedition to haue passed hither into England: but when he had aduertisement giuen that there was a power raised in England, and bestowed both by sea and land to resist him,He changeth his purpose and commeth ouer into England. he changed his purpose by ad|uise of his freends, so that he consented to receiue such manner of oth as the barons required, and here|with taking the sea, he arriued at Douer on saint Iu|lians daie with his owne houshold-seruants, bring|ing with him no traine of strangers, except onelie two earles of Almaine, which brought with them but onelie three knights, and he himselfe had but eight knights: his brother king Henrie was readie to re|ceiue him, and brought him from Douer vnto Can|turburie, for neither of them was suffered to enter into the castell of Douer, the lords hauing them in a gelousie, least they should be about to breake the or|dinances which were concluded. On the morow af|ter,He receiueth an oth not to infringe the statutes of Oxford. the king of Almaine receiued the oth in the pre|sence of Richard earle of Glocester and others, with|in the chapter house of Canturburie. And on the day of the Purification of our ladie, the two kings with their queenes and a great number of noble persona|ges made their entrie and passage into the citie of London.