[1] [2] About the feast of the Ascension, Seuall the archbi|shop of Yorke departed this life,Seuall archb. of Yorke depar+teth this life. who constantlie had resisted the tyrannie of the court of Rome, in defense of his church, suffering in this world manie greeuous tribulations, but now was remooued from thense vnto the kingdome of heauen, Matth. Paris. to be crowned with the elect for his good deseruings, as was then certen|lie beleeued. About this time, a great number of Poi|ctouins were come into England, by reason of their aliance and coosinage to the king, the which by the kings fauour being highlie aduanced, began to war proud thereof, and to require to be restored vnto such lands and liuings as before time they had possessed: namelie the kings halfe brethren, Athelmare or O|domare,The kings halfe brethren. that was a préest, with William, Geffrey and Guie, these were the sonnes of Hugh le Brun earle of Marsh, by his wife queene Isabell, the mo|ther of king Henrie, and being come into England, they shewed themselues verie loftie & high-minded, partlie, bicause of their coosinage to the king, & part|lie by reason of his courteous interteining of them, insomuch that forgetting themselues, they began to despise (vpon a presumptuous pride) the English no|bilitie, looking still for preferment of honor aboue all other. And suerlie Odomare obteined at the first a great peece of his purpose, being made by the kings gift bishop of Winchester, and by that means bare a stout port, and greatlie holpe and mainteined his o|ther brethren.