[1] This yeare after Easter a parlement was hol|den at London,A parlement. Matth. Paris. in the which manie weightie mat|ters were intreated of touching the kings causes, namelie, about the conquest of the realme of Na|ples,Hurtred, a messenger frõ the pope. the pope hauing sent a messenger named Hur|tred for the discharge of monie, which the pope had re|ceiued of merchants, as it were to the kings vse, and entred bonds for the paiment thereof. Also, whereas the king was sore disquieted for the warre which the Welshmen made against him, he asked aduise of the states, how he might procéed to seeke his iust re|uenge of them, who by reason of their good hap were become verie stout and loftie, and had of late by the expiring of a truce which had beene accorded betwixt them,The Welsh|men spoile Penbroke|shire. spoiled and wasted the most part of Penbroke|shire, of which iniurie the earle of Penbroke, name|lie William de Ualence, sore complained.