[1] The archbishop of Yorke was accurssed by the popes commandement through all England, Matth. Paris The archbis [...] of Yorke ac|cursed. with booke, bell and candle, that by such terror his constan|cie might he weakened. But the archbishop (saith Matthew Paris) informed by the example of Thomas Becket, and by the example and doctrine of saint Ed|mund sometime his instructor, and also taught by the faithfulnesse of blessed Robert, late bishop of Lin|colne, despaired not of comfort from heauen,The constan|cie of the arch|bishop of Yorke. in bea|ring patientlie the popes tyrannie; neither would he bestow the wealthie reuenues of his church vpon Italians, being vnworthie persons and strangers; neither would he obeie and incline to the popes will like a faint-harted person, by leaning and setting a|part the rigor of the law, least therby he might séeme to result from his pastorlike office, and animate the woolfe of Rome to breake into the shéepfold of the church, whose purpose was to sucke the verie bloud quite and cleane out of euerie veine, yea to bite out bowels and all. Which qualitie to rest in him, wofull experience hath taught, and the testimonie of writ|ten verities hath shewed, among which this one for the truth thereof is worthie to be reported euen to the praise of the deuiser for his prettie deuise therein comprised, and here set downe as fit for the purpose:
Non pontifex sed potifex,Non potifex sed panifex,Non panifex sed: carnifex,Est papa pater pontifex.