[1] [2] About the same time, the archbishop of Canturbu|rie called a synod of the bishops and abbats inhabi|ting within his prouince, that inuocating the grace of the Holie-ghost, they might foresee some redresse for reléefe of the English church, now in these late yeares sore disquieted by new oppressions, more grée|uous than had béene accustomed: for the king by counsell, or rather by the whispering of some flatte|rers and enimies to the realme, was so induced, that he permitted certeine euill customs, as thornie brem|bles to increase in the fruitfull garden of pleasure, and to choke vp the trees that brought foorth fruit in great plentie. Moreouer in this yeare, king Henrie caused the walles of the citie of London, Matth. Paris. which w [...]re sore decaied and destitute of turrets, to be repared in more seemelie wise than before they had béene, at the common charges of the citie.