[1] Six archbish. present at London in time of the parlement.Héere is further to be noted, that there were pre|sent at this parlement six archbishops, Canturburie, Yorke, Dubline, Messina, Tarento and Cullen. The archbishop of Messina was come to the king to set him on dotage for the businesse about the conquest of Naples and Sicill. At the feast of Ester next follow|ing, the archbishop of Cullen returned into his coun|trie,The elect K. of Almaine taketh his leaue of the king his bro|ther. and the third day after Easter, the elect king of Almaine tooke his leaue, and departed toward Yar|mouth, where he purposed to take the sea, to saile ouer into Almaine, but by reason of contrarie winds he was driuen to remaine there a long time, to his great gréefe and inestimable charges before he could passe ouer; yet finallie, about the latter end of Aprill, he got foorth to the sea, and landed at Dordreigh the first of Maie next insuing.He landeth at Dordreigh. A synod.