[1] It was therefore knowne, that since he first began to waste his treasure, his charges amounted vnto the summe of 950000 marks, as the bookes of ac|compts remaining in the hands of the clearks of his closet plainelie witnessed, and yet of all those vaine expenses no great aduantage was growne thereby to the king or realme, but rather disaduantage, as the most part of men then tooke to, and no maruell: for there was such hart-burning amongst the nobilitie, one enuieng an others aduancement, & repining at each others dooings, that it was not possible to bring any good drift forward amongst men so far at ods to|gither. But we will let this passe as a thing manifest inough to them that shall well consider the course of that time, and will returne to the parlement aboue mentioned.