[1] [2] King Henrie being hereof [...]uertised, [...] all spéed Stephan Bauzan, Nic. Treuet. Stephan Bauzan, [...] Baucan. of man skilfull in [...] warie, wi [...] a great number of soldiers into Wal [...] against the rebels, who comming into that countrie, and entring into the lands of a Welsh [...] [page 255] Rise Uaughan, was intrapt by such ambushments as his enimies laid for him, and thereby was slaine with the more part of his armie.Englishmen ouerthrowne. This ouerthrowe chanced by the treason of Griffin de Brunet, who at that present reuolting from the English side to his countrimen, instructed them in all things, how they might vanquish their enimies. At that time, North|wales and Southwales ioined in league and fréend|lie amitie togither,Northwales and South|wales ioined togither in league. which commonlie was not séene in those daies, they being for the more part at vari|ance, the one rather séeking still how to indamage the other: but now in defense of their liberties (as they pretended) they agreed in one.