[1] In this meane time the vnquiet Welshmen, after the death of their prince Dauid,The Welsh|men choose them a go|uernour, an [...] rebell agai [...] the king. chose in his stéed one Leolin, that was son to the same Griffin that brake his necke as he would haue escaped out of the towre of London; and herewith they began a new rebelli|on, either driuing out such Englishmen as laie there in garisons within the castels and fortresses, or else entring into the same by some traitorous practise, they slue those which they found within them, to the great displeasure of their souereigne lord Edward the kings eldest sonne, who coueting to be reuenged of their rebellious enterprises, could not bring his purpose to passe, by reason of the vnseasonable wea|ther and continuall raine which fell that winter, so raising the waters & setting the marishes on flouds, that he could not passe with his armie.