[1] [2] A proclama|tion for knighthood.The king caused a proclamation is be set foorth, that all such as might dispend [...]eene pounds in lands, should receiue the [...] of knighthood; and those that would not or could not, should paie their fines.A sore tem|pest of wind and raine. This yeare, thrée daies after the feast of S. Ciricus, a maruellous sore tempest of wind, raine, haile, and thunder chanced, that did excéeding much hurt. Mill-whéeles by the viole [...]e of waters were carried away, and the wind-milles were no lesse tor|mented with the rage of wind. Arches of bridges, stackes of haie, houses that stood by water sides, and children in cradels were borne awaie, that both woon|derfull and no lesse pitifull it was to see. At Bedford the riuer of Duse bare downe six houses togither, and did vnspeakeable hurt thereabouts.