[1] [2] In this season the deuotion, which manie had con|ceiued of the pope and the church of Rome,Mens deuo|tion towards the pope wax|eth cold. began to wax cold, reputing the vertue which he shewed at his entring into the papasie, to be rather a colourable hy|pocrisie, than otherwise, sith his proceedings answe|red not to his good beginnings: for as it was mani|fest, where sutors brought their complaints into the court of Rome, such sped best as gaue most bribes, and the two priors of Winchester, the one expelled, and the other got in by intrusion, could well witnesse the same: and all the world knoweth that the vipe|rous generation of Romanists, reckoning from the ringleader to the simplest shaueling, haue made gaine the scope of their holinesse, and as it is true|lie said,

Quae libet arripiunt, lucri bonus est odo [...] ex re
Qualibet, imponunt, hos scelus omne iuuat:Antith. de pr [...]cl. Chris [...]i, &c.
Accipiunt quoduis, si non sonat aere crumena,
Siue siligo adsit, sordida siue pecus, The b. of Sa|lisburie depar|teth this life. &c.
This yeare died William of Yorke bishop of Sa|lisburie, [page 254] which had beene brought vp in the court, e|uen from his youth.Suit of court when it was first receiued for a law. This bishop first caused that cu|stome to be receiued for a law, whereby the tenants of euerie lordship are bound to owe their suit to the lords court, of whom they hold their tenements.