[1] Ruscand at length, perceiuing their manner, be|came somewhat more mild, and promised that he would talke with the pope of this matter.The deane of saint Paules sent to Rome on the behalfe of the prelats. But first there was sent to Rome the deane of Pauls in Lon|don, and certeine others, as attornies or agents for the whole cleargie of England. These sped so in their suit, that the pope tooke order that if the prelats paid the monie by force of the contriued writings, where|by they stood bound for them, their houses, and chur|ches; then, to ease their burthen, they might reteine in their hands such parcell of tenths as they ought to paie to the king, for furnishing of his wars against the Saracens, amounting to the summe which they should be constreined to paie for the bonds made to the merchants, by the bishop of Hereford (as before is recited.)