[1] [2] Thus by reason of couetous greedinesse to get mo|nie for the furnishing of the popes warres against Manfred king of Sicill, both the pope and the king of England ran in slander and hatred of the Eng|lish nation, namelie, of the spiritualtie, so that such as recorded the acts and doings of that time, spared not to make manifest to the world by their writings, Matth. Paris. how iniuriouslie they were handled, blaming the practises of the court of Rome in plaine terms, and affirming that the pope had power in those things which worke to edification, and not to destruction. About this season,The Lord Gray forsa|keth the court. Iohn lord Grey, being one of the chéefe councellors to the king, a right honourable knight, and for his good demeanor and high valian|cie greatlie commended of all, withdrew himselfe from the court, either by reason of age that desireth rest, or rather (as was thought) for that he doubted to beare blame for such errors as were dailie commit|ted by them that bare rule about the king, which could not but bring the authors into great infamie at length, and therefore was he loth to be partaker with them of such slander as might haue redounded to him also, if he had still continued and taried amongst them.