[1] [page 253] In the meane time, the bishop of Hereford and Ruscand sought to set variance and discord amongst the English prelats, whereby being diuided in parts, and not consenting togither, they should be lesse able to giue true information to the pope, how she verie truth rested. But finallie, bicause the archbishop of Canturburie was in the parts beyond the sea, and for that also the sée of Yorke was vacant, and diuerse bishops were absent,The councell proroged. the councell was proroged till the feast of S. Hilarie, and so they departed euerie man to his home in a maruellous doubt what waie were best for them to take, sith they saw themselues in great distresse, if Ruscand did suspend or excom|municate any of them either iustlie or otherwise. For sure they were,The K. lieth in wait for mens goods. that the king as a lion lieng in wait whome he might deuoure (to get monie) after fortie daies were past, if they submitted not them|selues, would spoile them of all their goods as forfei|ted. So that the pope and the king seemed as though the sheepheard and woolfe had béene confederate to|gither to the destruction of the poore flocke of shéepe, threatning euerie mans vndooing, to their owne in|riching: and not ceasing, till with fulnesse they were forced to fall from the flesh, much like bloudsucking horsseeches, of whose nature it is notablie noted, that

Non missura priùs carnem, quàm plena cruoris,
Quando haeret tenerae mollis hirudo cuti:
Sic ignara dolis emungitur aere caterua,
Imbelles populi quid nisi praeda manent?