[1] [2] The craftie and slie fetches which were vsed in this season by this Ruscand the bishop of Hereford, and o|ther their complices, to get monie of the prelats and gouernors of monasteries within this realme, were wonderfull, & verie greeuous to those that felt them|selues oppressed therewith; and namelie, for the debt which the said bishop of Hereford had charged them with, they being not priuie to the receipt, nor hauing any benefit thereby.A councell called at Lon|don by the le|gat. Ruscand called a councell at London, & propounded great causes why the prelats ought to aid the pope, and so therevpon demanded great summes of monie. Amongst other summes, he demanded six hundred marks of the house of S. Albons.